and kickstart your



Study With Us...


... an Interior Design School That Does Things Differently!

We Don't Just Teach You...


We Nurture You

We Develop You

We Transform You


Imagine what you could achieve...

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Do you...

... love decorating your own home but you think doing something you're passionate about as a career just isn't possible for you?

... worry that you're not creative enough or talented enough to do it for other people and (gasp) get paid for it?

... think perhaps it's too late for you to change career into something you are passionate about, at this stage in your life?

... feel scared to take the first step in case it's a mistake?

And you (not so secretly) dream of...

Making money doing what you love

When you do what you love, work doesn't feel like work!

It's time to get yourself QUALIFIED, so that you can start making an INCOME from your passion. Who said work couldn't be fun?

Designing beautiful interiors just like the pros

No more hit-and-miss designing.

CONFIDENTLY pull together colours, fabrics and furniture to create 'Insta-worthy' design schemes. Spend your days expressing your CREATIVITY.

Having the freedom to call the shots

You no longer have to be a slave to someone else's timetable!

You'll have the FREEDOM to design not just beautiful interiors, but also to design your own HAPPINESS.

Just imagine if you could...

Study something you are genuinely passionate about, that excites you and makes you want to jump out of bed in the mornings.

Acquire the skills to be able to create rooms just like the ones you see in magazines and on Pinterest.

Have a fulfilling career where you have the freedom to create your own schedule, working around your other commitments and passions, whilst bringing to life the creativity that's inside of you just waiting to get out?

Know that you weren't *just* signing up for an e-learning course, but that you were going to be supported, mentored and developed to create a whole new life for yourself.

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That's where I come in!


Hey hey... I'm Kate! 

A few years ago I was in your shoes right now. Wondering about whether to take the leap into interior design and if it would work out for me.

I eventually chose a course, but unfortunately for me, it wasn't quite the experience I'd hoped for...

Now I'm a pretty clever woman (even if I do say so myself) but design was an entirely new discipline to me, and once I started studying I soon found myself needing a bit of support. 

I needed access to someone who could just answer my questions and explain things in more detail than just a video alone could. 

We support you every step of the way...

... This is our point of difference, our 'USP' or our secret sauce if you like!   During my studies I was often unable to get hold of my tutor, which meant that I ended up struggling alone, or asking questions in an unmanned facebook group, which was a bit like the blind leading the blind if I'm honest! Waiting weeks for my marks was demotivating as I never knew whether I was on the right track.

We focus on what you NEED to become an Interior Designer

During my studies, at times it felt like I was in a diploma factory, just another number on their production line. 

And when I eventually *did* qualify I came out feeling like I'd been dropped off the edge of a cliff. There was no support to help me forge a career using my new qualification. I had a diploma in my hand that *said* I was an interior designer, but I certainly didn't feel like one! 

We develop people! 

As a professional educator in my (then) day job, I knew this was NO WAY to deliver a high quality learning experience. 

I knew that there was a better way to develop people, to provide a fully rounded educational experience so that students graduate- not just with a qualification in their hand- but with real, practical knowledge and the confidence to head out into the workforce. 


I created this for you...

Introducing... the BEST, most supported, UK government accredited qualification:

Level 3 Diploma in Professional Interior Design

For People Just Like You!

EVEN IF... You're worried you're not good enough (You are- we teach you how!)

EVEN IF... You think you don't have a creative bone in your body, your 5 year old does better drawings than you and you can't pull together a colour scheme to save your life (Honestly, by the time we've finished with you, you'll know exactly what to do!)

EVEN IF... you think this is a crazy idea (it really isn't! Lots of other people are doing this too... check out our testimonials below)


So what's included?

Module 1: Interior Design in Context: 

What exactly is interior design, and what is its purpose? How do you tell good taste from bad?

Understand the key elements and principles that go into creating good-looking interiors.

Take a look at interior design through the ages: know your Rococo from your Art Deco so that you can confidently spot design influences from any period. 

Module 2: Interior Design Projects & The Role of the Interior Designer 

Get to grips with the role of the interior designer, and understand the stages in the design process from client brief to project completion. Learn how to deal with a client brief in the real world. 

Understand how to navigate problematic issues that arise in projects and come away with key strategies for running harmonious projects.

Module 3: Project Research & Concept Creation

In this module you get to meet your clients, and start creating a portfolio of work that you'll be able to use to market yourself in the real world!

Learn how to interpret client requirements, conduct research to help generate ideas and develop concepts to guide the rest of the creative process.

Module 4: Using Colour in Interior Design 

Develop your understanding of colour theory and its physical and psychological significance to interior design schemes. 

You will be introduced to specialist terminology and you'll learn how to describe and identify colours in interior design schemes.  

Create a colour scheme based on a real client brief, and add this to your professional portfolio of work.

Module 5: Spatial Planning & Technical Drawing

Learn to communicate your design ideas through production of scale plans and elevations with a high level of accuracy, utilising industry-standard conventions. 

Develop your sketching and spatial planning skills, and explore and evaluate a range of innovative ideas related to the utilisation of space and traffic flow.

Create a range of technical drawings that will be added to your design portfolio to show potential clients and employers.

Module 6: Furniture & Accessory Selection

Develop knowledge of the broad range of furniture and accessories available to the interior designer, including style and market level.

You will gain an understanding of the history of furniture and accessories and the evolution of design in context. You will be able to recognise key design movements. 

You will also explore of materials and manufacturing techniques will assist you in the development of design schemes and support the appropriate selection of furniture and accessory products and suppliers.

Learn how to select furniture and accessories in response to a client brief, and produce presentation boards to showcase your work in your portfolio.

Module 7: Creative Lighting in Interior Design

Explore the potential of creative lighting in interiors and develop your knowledge of lighting design, lighting products and the materials used in their construction.

Look at a range of traditional and contemporary materials and consider how the construction and design of lighting products, and the utilisation of different lamp types, can contribute to changing atmosphere and ambience in an interior space. 

Key industry terminology will be introduced, putting this in the context of products and how a scheme can be built using layers of light and functionality. Lighting schemes and technical drawing plans will be developed to industry standards, in response to a client brief. 

Module 8: Exploring Surface Finishes

Extend your understanding of surface finishes in interior design, including the characteristics and suitability of materials for walls, floors and soft furnishings.

This will include developing understanding of key issues, such as responsible design, healthy living, and legislation, as well as raising awareness of technology and SMART materials in an interior design context.  

You will be introduced to the concept of combining colour, pattern and texture successfully; how to ensure these elements are balanced, rules of combination and the importance of scale and proportion. 

You will critically compare the advantages and disadvantages of materials and finishes in response to specific client requirements, whilst also demonstrating appropriate visual communication skills that effectively relay design intentions to meet a client brief.

Module 9: Portfolio Presentation

Pull together all of the work throughout your diploma into a final presentation of your portfolio, communicating your design intentions through a variety of media.

The resulting design scheme will enable you to present a set of sketches, presentation material, technical drawings and other associated project work that will form a portfolio piece to be used as an example of knowledge and skills for progression to higher study or to present to potential clients. 


You will reflect on the development of your work, as well as the realisation of outcomes in order to evaluate the levels of success in relation to design intentions. 

Module 10:  Professional Practice

Raise your awareness of the diverse possibilities for professional engagement and career progression within this sector, and prepare yourself to work successfully in the professional environment. 

Develop the personal and professional attributes and resources necessary for successful entry into this dynamic and competitive industry, whether working for an established practice or setting up an interior design business.

Explore methods of marketing and promotion that are relevant to working in the interior design industry today and develop the skills required for the costing of design projects and services.  

Deploy your skills of analysis and evaluation, comparing and contrasting a diverse range of progression opportunities and professional approaches that could be adopted, as well as the multitude of products and services available within the professional interior design environment.  

Plus get these bonuses...


Mood Board Masterclass

When you work as an interior designer, it's not enough to be able to design great rooms... you have to be able to show people that you can do it too!

Learning how to create professional visuals will give you a competitive edge when you get out there into the industry.


The Complete SketchUp Bundle

Learn to produce professional floor plans, elevations and lighting plans using CAD software, SketchUp. Learn how to draw in 3D, and how to photo real render your images*

Get a pro student licence for SketchUp, access to our SketchUp's Not Scary course plus tutor support whilst you learn how to use it.

* Photo real renders require the additional purchase of a Podium licence, not included in this package.

Accredited by:

So how do we compare?

We want you to make the best possible decision for your circumstances, so in the spirit of total transparency we have pulled together a handy table covering all of the key features of the Industry Leading Interior Design Diploma qualifications out there.... so you don't have to!


Got A Question We Have Not Covered?

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